Its Time to step into all God has for us and in us and in him. It’s Time to step into His best. It’s Time to trust God for NEW life.

New Potential

New Purpose

New Provision


The breath of life, God’s Spirit in me,
I’m created with purpose, though fragile and free,
His potential a gift, His provision I see,
It’s time to embrace His love guarantee.

No matter my failings or how I’ve performed,
When Christ is my centre, I am transformed,
My Father renews me, my life now reformed,
It’s time to embrace the new life He has formed.

Life, a progression of complex temptations,
Frustrations, stagnations and some consternation,
Yet with Christ in me, there’s no limitation,
It’s time to embrace His divine dispensation,

The world around me in her pain and decay,
Shattered and broken, she declines every day,
Am I the solution, He’s sending her way?
It’s time to embrace His call and obey.

Lives all around me, some distant, some near,
Shrouded in worry, in confusion and fear,
He’s the answer, I’m His volunteer,
It’s time to embrace this vision, it’s clear.

His purpose, His plans and His vision is plain,
I’m His chosen partner for His Kingdom gain,
An example of love for which He was slain,
It’s time to rise, to embrace this campaign.

It’s time to adopt His greatest commission,
It’s time to banish my selfish ambition,
It’s time to commit, without any condition,
To Christ, and His cause… to His life-saving mission.